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Fill your own case of products

Fill a case with your own selection of products by choosing from the list below. A case contains twelve sections so please choose a total of twelve items.
Enter the quantity of each product you require in the relevant boxes below and tap the "Purchase" button when you have reached a total of 12 items.
If you want to buy a second case you can return here by clicking the "Continue Shopping" button on the Shopping Cart.

The Apple Farm Apple Juice, 750ml bottle, €3.00

Apple and Blackcurrant Juice, 750ml bottle, €3.50

Apple and Strawberry Juice, 750ml bottle, €3.95

Apple and Raspberry Juice, 750ml bottle, €3.95

Sparkling Apple Juice, 500ml screw cap bottle, €3.10

Sparkling Apple and Blackcurrant Juice, 500ml screw cap bottle, €3.10

Mulled Apple Juice, 750ml bottle, €3.35

Living Culture Cider Vinegar (unpasteurised), 750ml bottle, €5.00

Con's Real Irish Cider, 500ml bottle, €4.00

Cornelius's Lemony Lemonade (Sparkling), 750ml bottle, €4.00

Cornelius's Pink Lemony Lemonade (Sparkling), 750ml bottle, €4.00

David Llewellyn's Balsamic Vinegar, 250ml, €10.50

Highbank Orchard Apple Syrup, 200ml, €8.50

Strawberry Jam, 340gm, €3.00*

Plum Jam, 340gm, €3.00*

Apple Jelly, 340gm, €3.00*

*Two pots of jam or jelly will fit in one section of the packing case so you can double up on these products if you wish.

Packing and delivery included in prices above.

Select number 1 in this box to add a 6kg box of eating apples (~40 apples depending on fruit size) to be delivered with your juice order (No extra delivery charge), €7.50

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